Homemade Korean Food

Home cooked meals always bring a warm comfort to me. This weekend on a rainy Saturday, my Korean friend was sweet enough to cook a full Korean meal for me! 

김치 찌개 Kimchi Stew
삼겹살구이 Grilled Pork Belly 
밥 Rice

Both these dishes are easy to make, don't require many ingredients and are so so so good.  The 삼겹살구이 is a very popular Korean BBQ dish and can easily be prepared by yourself. My friend seasoned it simply with salt, pepper and dry parsley. Don't worry about the fat on the pork, its supposed to be fatty so it will be crispy when you grill it. For the 김치 찌개, obviously the main ingredient is kimchi! The older the kimchi (meaning the longer it is fermented) the more delicious the soup will be because the sour flavor of the kimchi is stronger. Firstly, you use rice water. You can wash the rice you will be cooking first and save the water from the first rinse. Secondly, while it boils on the stove, add bite sized chopped pork into the pot so it can boil as well. Then we add a whole pack of kimchi (500 grams for 2-3 people) into the pot and let it boil away. Seasoning for the soup includes some Korean soysauce for soup, sesame oil, Korean red pepper powder, fresh chilli for extra heat and sesame oil. Optional but you can now add additional things such as tofu.To garnish we topped it off with fresh green onion and its good to go! 

 Prepping the pork belly ~ Seasoned with salt, pepper and dry parsley

 Fresh green lettuce to make lettuce wraps with the grilled meat

Delicious crispy pork belly after grilling - dipping sauces include a sesame oil mix with salt and korean red pepper paste

You all know that happy satisfied feeling after a great meal right?

Thanks for reading!


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